The Book is Here! and Making it Personal


Yay! Woo-hoo!

I've talked about it in many posts this past year, and I'm so happy to now announce that my new book is finally here! It was literally a labor of love. Over the weekend, I did interviews on The Relationship Party, Chat Atlanta and Intentional Life shows where I discussed different aspects of the book and why I wrote it.

Please consider ordering Ending the Blame Game from my website, especially if you want a signed copy and will not be at my launch party this weekend. (Use this link if you prefer to use Amazon.)


I'm big on self-reflection and journaling. Blaming others for your pain or your predicament takes the focus off of you. But what part do you have to play? How can you turn things around? By being more compassionate? Can you make the situation less personal? Often, the situation affecting you so deeply is really NOT ABOUT YOU.

As relationship coach Paul C. Brunson says, "Don't fight to understand. Fight to win." And I would add: if you must fight, remember what you are really fighting for.