Let Yourself Flow with Emi Kirschner

Let Yourself Flow TW (Small).jpg

In This Episode…

  • Emi's story: getting clarity with your role and purpose 1:47

  • Dealing with overwhelm when life happens 7:16

  • The definition of self-care 14:38

  • Setting boundaries with yourself (digital media) 19:33

  • Habit stacking and making small changes 25:19

  • Success is... 31:37

  • Closing advice 32:54

Key Points

It's ok to feel overwhelmed at times, as long as it doesn't stop you from being productive (9:50)

Self-care is about energy and how you can preserve your energy to be the best you can be. (16:55)

We put ourselves last, so we need energy. Get some by taking the time to enjoy friendships and other activities that are not work. The break from social media and living life (IRL) fosters creativity (17:26)

Notifications and multi-tasking slows productivity. (20:08)

It's good to build new habits based on current routines. You're likely to be more successful if you make small changes and build on them, instead of trying to do one big overhaul. (25:19)

When you're making a change, supportive people that can cheer you on. Change is hard and it takes more than desire and willpower. (27:30)

What You Can Do

Accept that life happens, no matter how you plan. You can't control everything. If worry is a problem for you, set aside time to worry.

Focus for short periods of time with your mobile devices on silent so you're not distracted.

Use the FLOW system:

  1. Focused Work (no distractions)

  2. List and Prioritize You (your calendar is your integrity system)

  3. Overcome Overwhelm (check your mindset and train your brain to eliminate negative self-talk)

  4. Wrap it Up (make morning and evening routines, including transitions)

People are longing for real, person-to-person, IRL connection.

If you're feeling isolated, make a lunch date with a friend or do your work at a coffee shop.

Listen to your gut and intuition.


Emi Kirschner, Serial Entrepreneur, Coach and International Speaker

Websites: emikirschner.com and TheTribeofLeaders.com




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The Multi-tasking Myth: Overcoming Overwhelm