Your Goal Guide with Debra Eckerling

Got goals? With 6 weeks until the end of this decade, you might be thinking about changes you want to make next year. Deb Eckerling's got your covered with her forthcoming book, Your Goal Guide. Check out this episode of the Kickin' it with Daree po…

Got goals? With 6 weeks until the end of this decade, you might be thinking about changes you want to make next year. Deb Eckerling's got your covered with her forthcoming book, Your Goal Guide. Check out this episode of the Kickin' it with Daree podcast where @TheDEBMethod and I discuss goal strategies, the DEB Method, accountability, #GoalChat, and how anti-climatic Y2K was.

In This Episode…

  • Origin of the #GoalChat Twitter chat 01:13

  • Deb's forthcoming book, Your Goal Guide 3:35

  • A strategy for approaching the New Year 7:33

  • Accountability on the #GoalChat Twitter chat 15:31

  • Write On Online Facebook page and group 22:39

  • Success is... 25:09

  • Closing advice 25:52

Key Points

A really effective way to establish goals is if you make a plan of what you want to do, and tell people, because then you're more likely to actually do it (goal group). You can keep your project as close to you as you want, and still set and report goals. It helps you to be disciplined when you know your target, and keep focused on that one thing.

Your Goal Guide walks readers through the process of the DEB method: D is determine your mission, E is explore your options and B is brainstorm your path.

Your accomplishments motivate you to keep going and realize that because you put in the time, change is going to come.

You get to figure out what your goals are and make a plan and make them happen. You get to decide. We have so much power.

What You Can Do

One of the best ways to approach the new year is to take an inventory of your accomplishments from the previous year. And know that you don't have to reach all your goals in the year.

If a detour comes up, ask yourself, 'Does this help me fulfill my mission?' If it's Yes, take the detour because that's going to help you get to that destination, but it may be something. B ut if the answer is No, ask, 'Will it be fun?' If so, you have a choice to go off track a little bit because it will enrich your life in some way.

Use Your Goal Guide to figure out your side hustle. Work an hour a week if that's all you have, because an hour a week adds up. And track it in your calendar or your journal. Then pat yourself on the back, because small wins and small steps lead to greatness.


Debra Eckerling, Founder of Write On Online and The D*E*B Method is the author of "Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals," is a project catalyst, helping individuals and businesses to set goals and manage projects. She is the founder of The D*E*B Method and Write On Online, and host of #GoalChat Twitter Chat.


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