100th Episode Celebration: What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?

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In this Episode

Daree shares her top 5 most popular episodes, talks about what she's learned from podcasting, and past guests give their best advice on what they would do differently and that help YOU.

My Podcasting Experience

As an authorpreneur-- a podcast host, I am also a blogger, writer, coach, speaker and voice talent.  Running a show is a way for me to showcase my other talents, become more of an authority and thought leader, and develop my platform. My goal has always been to help women of all ages live their lives with more confidence and higher standards.

What I like most about podcasting is sharing my message with the world, meeting tons of folks from all over the world (virtually), and helping so many people that I will probably never get to meet.  I'm so thankful to the 80+ guests who've been here over the last 3.5 years, some of whom I sought out to share their wisdom and expertise.  Some of them have graciously sent new nuggets of wisdom to share with you, (linked below). 

Quick PSA about pitching shows: I get many requests to be interviewed. However, if you don't understand what a show is about or haven't listened to it, don't send a request to be on the show. Know the medium you are pitching and be clear how you can serve their audience! 

All-time Top 5 (I Think) 6:50

5 - Love Your Body (with Lu Uhrich) #84 

4 - I'm a Newlywed Widow #90 

3 - Childless, Not By Choice Part 1 (with Tangie Henry, RN) #4 (see Alumni Speed Round below for the link)

2 - There's Always Traffick (with Dr. Marlene Carson) (Dec 1, 2015) #20 

1 - To Ghost or Not to Ghost #33 (May 2, 2016) 

Alumni Speed Round 12:45

I went back to my previous guests on this show and asked them this question:  "When it comes to health, wealth, personal or professional development, what's the one piece of advice you'd give your younger self (or someone like you) to enrich their well-being in 2019?"  

Check out the interviews I had with the guests who you heard here:

Amanda Laird 13:12   

Mike Domitrz 14:52 

Dr. Mitchell Langbert 16:00  

Tangie Henry, RN 17:59 

Tyra S. Gardner 18:23 

Necole F. Turner 19:15   

Final Thoughts

Whether it's web hosting, software, or studio equipment, podcasting can be an expensive hobby.  But the skills from podcasting gave me the confidence to start my voiceover business a couple years ago.  I'm actually scheduled to appear on 3 new podcasts this year so far talking about different facets of my life AND business, which is uber exciting and awesome!


My first book was all about advice but I would give my younger self and it's called What's Wrong with Me? But there's many things that of course I had to leave out. So one of the things that I would tell my younger self that I haven't already said, is to focus on what matters and to complain less and pray more.

Through it all, I just want to keep growing and helping my audience with THEIR personal growth and development. So I want to give a HEARTFELT thank you to my listeners for their support--and that includes YOU.  Glad to still be here, live and kickin'!