2014 Book Launch: Ending the Blame Game

Daree holding her new bookSingle parenting, co-parenting and blended families are a part of life. I'm a single parent, which is unfortunately all too common these days. But not all single parents are women. What about single fathers? What do they deal with? Why have some of them never gotten married? What are their struggles in relationships, and in life? And what would it take for us as a people--in the Black community--to stop blaming each other for our problems, hurt feelings, distrust, and resentment and come together? Ending the Blame Game: Single Black Fathers on Relationships will be released on March 25, 2014, giving some insight into those subjects and more!

I'm celebrating with a launch party on March 29 in Atlanta, Ga. Save the date and come out if you can!

Eventbrite - Ending the Blame Game Book Launch Party